Friday, November 11, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #29

Every so often I get to see these beautiful Sandhill Cranes while I'm out and about. They are rare in Florida, as only about 5,000 remain. This stately pair were seen while my friend and I were on a bike ride not long ago.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #28

The first time I saw a group of these key deer I thought, "Wow, I've never seen so many fawns without any adult." Then I was informed that they were fully grown.

The closest I've been to one was about a month ago on a bike ride through Starkey Park. Of course, as soon as I got my camera ready, the deer slipped into ninja mode and left my photo completely devoid of wildlife. Luckily, my husband got a picture of this group of non-ninja key deer.

Monday, September 5, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #27

One of the first things I did when I moved to Florida was scurry to the ocean to find out what everyone was raving about. Terri took me to the nearest beach (Hudson Beach), and I stood there at the edge of the gulf completely overwhelmed with the vastness of the water and the beauty of the sky as we watched the sun disappear slowly behind the horizon. Since then I have seen innumerable sunsets over the gulf, each one just as breathtaking as the others. It just never gets old.

This photo was taken on July 4, 2011 at a neighborhood gathering. While it's not the clearest shot of the sun, I love the colors, the American flag, and the silhouetted boats in the river.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #26

The gopher tortoise is currently a threatened species. Therefore, it was a treat to find one happily scavenging for leaves and grass when Terri and I were walking through Key Vista park the other day. He (she?) stopped, posed for a couple of pictures, then went back to gnawing on whatever plants had the misfortune of growing in his path. In fact, as he grazed, he wandered closer and closer to my feet. Very shortly after this last photo, I backed up several feet to avoid losing any appendages.

Monday, August 8, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #25

Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm not a fan of arthropods. The fact that I'm featuring them on my blog should tell you something about how cute these little guys are compared to other creatures of the same phylum.

Walk up to any unpopulated beach area around here, and you'll see dozens of tiny, previously unnoticed critters go scattering in all directions and then disappear into the sand. When you get closer, you'll see tiny holes everywhere. If you stand extremely still and be quiet, the fiddler crabs will slowly begin to emerge from their hiding spots. Make one move, and they will vanish again. It's free entertainment!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #24

I'm not a huge theme park person. I mean, they're OK, assuming the weather is perfect and the crowds are small, but that's an extremely rare occurrence. I'm also not a huge Disney fan. However, I must admit that the Disney people really know how to create an experience. The prices are far from cheap, but they do make sure you get your money's worth. And no one can walk away from Disney World without a few lasting memories.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #23

Many years ago I stood on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico in Port Richey and noticed several houses on stilts out in the distance. I was fascinated at the idea that someone would build a house in the gulf, and I immediately wanted one. Still do, actually.

Turns out I can't have one. They cannot be sold, only passed down within a family. New ones cannot be built. And if existing stilt houses are ever destroyed, there are rules as to how much of the original structure must still be standing in order for rebuilding to occur. Luckily for me, my husband's family is friends with one of the owners, and they sometimes let us visit theirs when it's not in use.

It's all the fun of the beach with none of the sand. And with my impossibly fair skin, I greatly appreciate being able to hang out in the shade without having to leave the party.

Monday, July 25, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #22

I have always thought that Indian mounds were pretty amazing things. I never got the chance to see the Cahokia mounds near St. Louis when I was living there. Then I moved here and was surprised to find an Indian mound tucked neatly between two homes right next to the Pithlachascotee River. The mound sits peacefully beneath a canopy of live oak trees, and the stone staircase that ascends one side simply begs to be climbed (though the signs strictly forbid the activity). I pass the mound frequently, and no matter how many times I read the warnings, I still find myself longing to perch myself at the top. Alas, I begrudgingly refrain.

Friday, July 22, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #21

Florida is the land of candy-colored houses! This one is particularly festive. I am very tempted to build myself a house just so I can paint it crazy colors.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #20

There is something about the way Spanish moss cascades over tree branches that is very peaceful. I've heard people complain about it before, but I find it to be beautiful and calming. It is also especially creepy on Halloween night, so I consider that an added bonus. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #18

About a year ago, I got to drive through the heart of the Everglades National Forest with my sister. I had been through the Everglades once before, but this time we took the long way so we could see more of the forest. We were hoping to see lots of wildlife, but we saw very little. Other than an alligator carcass and some buzzards, all we really saw were a whoooooole lot of bugs. Big bugs. Bugs that see cars coming and attack instead of fleeing. "Oh my God, did you see the size of that frog - no, wait, why does that frog have six legs" kind of bugs.

Yeah... not my favorite part of the trip.

However, I have to admit that the forest was breathtakingly beautiful. There are swamps, thick forests, and vast expanses of grassland dotted with random trees. Parts of it resembled the Serengeti. If only we had found a Florida panther! Perhaps next time.

I'm sure I'll visit the Everglades again (when I win the lottery, I'll pass through it on my way to my palatial estate in Key West).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #17

Because I can walk around my block and see this every night.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #16


The Tampa Bay area is known as the lightning capital of North America, and this morning it showed everyone exactly why. I woke up to the minutes-long rumble of constant thunder, and when I looked outside I saw one of the most impressive lightning displays that I've ever seen. Three or more strikes were hitting simultaneously all over the sky. It was breathtaking. Moments later we were pelted with hail and torrential downpours that lasted well into the late afternoon. The river came up over the seawall and halfway across the road before receding, and I expect it to be even higher tomorrow. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the lightning, but this is a picture of the clouds forming over us yesterday afternoon. Just beautiful.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #15

I am WAAAAAAAYYY behind on my posting!

Today I found myself walking the shores of Anclote Key, an island just off the mouth of the Anclote River. We searched for seashells, waded through gorgeous turquoise waters, and watched dolphins frolicking about between the  boats. We didn't have time to climb the lighthouse this trip, but  one day soon I plan to check it out!

Monday, January 10, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #14

Today is a gorgeously rainy day here in Florida. I made my usual drive along the river this morning and saw a pair of pelicans napping on some pilings near the marina. I'd love to get a picture of them in flight, but I really liked seeing them having a little rest, too.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #13

When I met Terri, she was living about a mile from me with her 7-year-old son and 18-year-old niece. Her son, Brandon, was a well-mannered and adorable little boy, and I loved him instantly. Over the years I have watched as he has gone through all manner of ups and downs while growing into a remarkable man. He is now 23 years old, happily married, and serving in the U.S. Navy. Today, after several months of serving in Afghanistan, Brandon's feet touched U.S. soil, and all of us who love him breathed a collective and ecstatic sigh of relief.

And, yes, that is a camouflage Santa hat.