Because this is where Santa vacations.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #10
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #9

The River Lights Boat Parade is a Christmas event on the Pithlachascotee river in downtown New Port Richey. Aside from the obvious fun of twinkling lights and festive decorations, there is also a good-natured competition. Judges rate each boat on theme, number of lights, overall presentation, crew enthusiasm, etc. The winner of the parade gets to trailer their decorated boat as a float in the following week's street parade.
The picture above is my brother-in-law's boat in last year's parade. He did a Christmas Story movie theme, complete with Ralphie in his pink
bunny pajamas, the Christmas tree on top of the family car, kids in earflap hats, and the infamous leg lamp. The boat won first place!
This year's parade was even better. His boat was decorated as a gingerbread house. There was a 6' tall gingerbread man, a small gingerbread girl, five children dressed as dancing peppermints, and enough Christmas lights to send signals to the space station. Professional pictures are still to come, but here are a couple that I snapped myself.

Friday, December 3, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #8
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #7
Sunday, November 21, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #6

All of this Florida love from me would be nonexistent were it not for Terri. She is the one who invited me here, gave me a place to stay (innumerable times), supported me throughout all of my stupid decisions, picked me up afterward, and helped me get back on the right path. And all without ever saying, "I told you so," though she easily could have. She has put up with me for 16 years through good times and bad, and I consider myself a better person for having her in my life.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #5
When my sister and I were on our way to Key West this May, we happened upon some trees that made us both stop in our tracks. They have fern-like leaves and bright, reddish-orange flowers that are breathtakingly gorgeous. I'm not sure how I managed to live here this long without seeing them in bloom before, but they really knocked my socks off. I did a little searching and found that they are royal poinciana trees.
I want one.
Friday, November 19, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #4
I often tell people, "When I win the lottery, don't look for me in Key West." It's not because I won't be there, it's because I won't want anyone to find me.
My husband and I went to Key West for the first time in May, 2004, and I fell in love instantly. There is such a relaxed atmosphere that it almost feels like another world. We rented a scooter and puttered around the island to see the sights. We saw the buoy at the southernmost point (where I received a very sweet marriage proposal), went for a sail on the Schooner Western Union, walked Duval Street, visited the lighthouse, and so many other things that I honestly can't remember them all. At sunset we made our way to Mallory Square and enjoyed several street performers and some of the most gorgeous sunsets anyone could hope to experience.
This year I got to visit Key West again, this time with my sister. I'm so glad I got to share it with her, and I can't wait to go again! Come on, LOTTO!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #3
This great blue heron lives in a tree across the street from my house. I know this because one day my husband and I sat at the kitchen window and watched him (her?) painstakingly building his nest. His wingspan is quite impressive, and his iridescent bluish-grey feathers glisten in the sunlight.
He likes to visit the fishermen on the Pithlachascotee River near dawn and dusk, gracefully wandering along the seawall hoping for a handout. I assume he must get a few fish here and there, because he posed for this picture with no apparent fear.
He likes to visit the fishermen on the Pithlachascotee River near dawn and dusk, gracefully wandering along the seawall hoping for a handout. I assume he must get a few fish here and there, because he posed for this picture with no apparent fear.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #2
I grew up next to the "Mighty Mississippi." Its power is awe-inspiring. So when I moved to Florida and found myself next to the serene Pithlachascotee River, I was mesmerized. The name is a little challenging, and some people shorten it to the "Cotee River," but I prefer its actual name. I think the nickname belies its beauty.
A canopy of Live Oak branches draped with Spanish Moss envelopes the lazy scenic bends, and the reflections of palms can be seen in the calm, sparkling blackwater river. I used to go out of my way to drive along the edge of it, and I would wonder how happy its neighbors must be to see it outside their front doors each day. Now, thanks to an interesting twist of fate, I am (almost) one of those people; I live one block away.
And, yes, I still drive the extra block every day just to look at the water.
A canopy of Live Oak branches draped with Spanish Moss envelopes the lazy scenic bends, and the reflections of palms can be seen in the calm, sparkling blackwater river. I used to go out of my way to drive along the edge of it, and I would wonder how happy its neighbors must be to see it outside their front doors each day. Now, thanks to an interesting twist of fate, I am (almost) one of those people; I live one block away.
And, yes, I still drive the extra block every day just to look at the water.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
101 Reasons Why I Love Florida: Reason #1
Maybe it's because I grew up in a place where they were only seen in movies and TV shows, but the sight of a palm still instantly relaxes me. Even after 16 years of seeing them every single day, they are my favorite cliché.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Mandatory? Really?
Today is election day. It's a midterm election, which usually doesn't get nearly the attention it's getting this year, but it's still the same thing as always. One side has power, the other side wants it, and we voters are being wooed, manipulated, poked, and prodded into backing certain candidates. There are red, white, and blue signs in every yard and public lot. Each candidate has commercials telling us that his/her opponent is a dishonest, cowardly, vermin-infested snake oil salesman with halitosis who wants to sleep with our mothers, drown our dogs, and kidnap our children. Okay, I may have taken a little bit of artistic license with that last bit. But I'm not that far off.
And as annoying as it is to get four calls from robots while my family is trying to eat dinner, I understand it. Get the message out there, woo those voters, and hope you get enough votes to be the next dishonest politician holding whatever office you seek. Kudos to you.
However, I do have a real problem with one thing. It's something along the lines of "Vote or Die." Yeah, "Diddy," I'm talking to you.
Don't take that to mean I'm a right wing voter, because you'd be dead wrong. I'm a common sense voter. I read up on the candidates. I look at their issue positions and whether or not their voting records agree with my views about what is best for my community, my state, and my country. I take the time to scour through and fill out a sample ballot and make sure I know who and what I'm voting for, no matter what ridiculous letter is after a candidate's name. I do my best to be an informed voter, as I think everyone should.
But more and more often lately I see comments from people saying that voting should be mandatory. That people should get out and vote no matter what they -
Wait, wait, wait... what was that again? Mandatory? Seriously? I have a problem with that.
First of all, this country is all about freedom. I don't care if Australia makes voting mandatory. That's their country. This is ours. We like CHOICES.
Second, there are a whole lot of people who have no idea what is going on. They don't know anything about the candidates. They don't understand the amendments. They have done no research. They vote a straight party ticket. They believe every attack ad they see. They vote D or R because their parents did, or because they didn't. They vote for the most attractive candidate. They vote based on gender, race, or shoe size.
When you vote, you are deciding who does and who does not get a job. If you were in charge of hiring someone at your place of business, you would interview the applicants. You would review their résumés, check their qualifications, ask their previous employers about their histories, etc. You would ask each applicant exactly why you should hire them. Would you base your decision on their race? On their gender? On their religion? On their sexual preference? Of course not. You'd be sued for discrimination. So why is it any different when you vote? You're choosing someone to work for you. Either choose wisely or don't choose at all.
Yes, everyone has the right to vote, but should they? I have the right to sue McDonalds for selling me soggy, half-cooked, ice cold french fries 5 times in a row, but that doesn't mean I should. I don't care if you're voting for R, D, L, I, G, or whatever party from which your candidate gets his/her funding. As long as you actually know WHY your chosen candidate is the best person for the job. If you cannot honestly and clearly answer that one question, then there's only one piece of election advice that I hope you follow:
Stay home.
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